Maybe you don’t know what you want.

Maybe you’re arguing… A lot. 

Your most intimate relationship—your marriage, your long-term partnership—used to be exciting. It was fulfilling. It made you feel safer, more settled, even happier. 

Now, it’s started to feel like one bickering episode after another. There’s near-constant tension in the air, and the nit-picking is out of control.

Or maybe you’re not arguing—anymore. Maybe there’s silence without a feeling of peace. Maybe you can’t find much to say these days.

Maybe there’s been a betrayal, or trust has been broken. You just can’t seem to find a way past it. 

Whatever it is, you no longer feel connected, supported, or emotionally safe with your partner. 

You feel like the ship is sinking—and maybe you’re not sure you should try to bail it out.

Asheville Marriage Counseling | A closeup of two held hands. One wears a silver ring on the fourth finger.

You’re here. And that’s a big step.

Before I tell you about me or my practice as a couples therapist, I want to take a moment to recognize you for finding your way here. 

Thinking about therapy, looking for a couples therapist… Doing a Google search or picking up the phone—it all shows a willingness to ask for help, to be vulnerable. 

And that willingness to dig deep and be vulnerable is going to be so helpful in repairing your connection with your partner.

Gottman Couples Therapy in Florida & Asheville, North Carolina

Hi! I’m Rebecca. You can call me Becky. 

I provide couples therapy through Telehealth in Florida and North Carolina. 

I work with couples who are struggling in their relationship.
Struggling with emotional connection or loneliness…
Healing from infidelity or betrayal…
Or managing one or both partners’ depression or anxiety. 

I work with couples who are divorcing and couples who would prefer not to.
I work with couples interested in premarital counseling and couples who are new parents.

I work with heterosexual couples, Polyamorous couples, ethical non-monogamy couples, and couples who identify as LGBTQIA+.🏳️‍🌈

And I can work with you, too.

The Gottman Couples Therapy Method

Ultimately, I use what’s called a multi-modal approach to marriage counseling and couples therapy. This means that my practice is eclectic—I incorporate pieces of various therapeutic styles like Emotionally-Focused Therapy (EFT), Sex therapy, talk therapy, mindfulness training, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT).

Most of my therapy style, though, revolves around the Gottman Couples Therapy Method.

For more than 40 years, Doctors John and Julie Gottman have worked to perfect a style of therapy that can predict the outcome of a marriage with startling accuracy. 

These predictions are based on talk therapy sessions with clients, yes—but also factors like heart rate and blood pressure during those sessions. 

The Gottmans have created a really powerful framework for helping couples navigate difficult waters and begin to develop the traits that strengthen—not weaken—their connection.

So, true to the Gottman Method, couples therapy and marriage counseling with me will begin with three separate assessment sessions and the Love Lab Experience. The Love Lab Experience emulates Gottman's original research methods and is considered the highest standard in couples therapy assessment.  

Then? We get to work.

Let’s focus on your bond.

The truth is, it’s normal to argue. 

In fact, it’s actually healthy—as long as it’s happening at the right ratio and in the right way.

But most of us aren’t taught how to argue “the right way.” Maybe we grew up with adults who didn’t model healthy anger or who showed us their own dysfunctional relationships. 

So we’re left to figure it out by ourselves… And there’s a lot of hurt along the way. Our most intimate partners often bear the brunt of it all, and the cracks in our relationship can grow.

It starts to feel like an endless and overwhelming divide—but it doesn’t have to.

Even though we can’t avoid conflict (we’re humans, after all!), we can learn to manage it well. Heck, when done correctly, conflict is an opportunity to learn how to love our partner even better over time.

In marriage counseling or couples therapy with me, we’ll work to repair your bond by focusing on how to… 
✔️ De-escalate and manage conflict,
✔️ Build your friendship,
✔️ Feel good about compromise,
✔️ Strengthen the intimacy you share, and
✔️ Create new, healthy patterns that serve you each individually and as a couple.

The bloodwork, the MRI, the diagnosis, and the treatment.

Couples Therapist Asheville NC | Flat lay of a stethoscope and a small red heart.

When you go to your doctor, you’re looking for answers. You don’t expect to list your symptoms only to have them rub their chin with their thumb and say, “Hmm… Why do you think you’re sick?”

You’d expect your doctor to ask the right questions to move you closer to the solution… And you can expect the same from me in couples therapy.

I work with couples to truly understand where they’re coming from. I want to know what you’ve experienced and how you feel. 

It’s my job to help you identify the patterns and beliefs underlying your struggles…

And then let you know how to fix it.

Is marriage counseling or couples therapy right for us?

Okay—I’m going to be honest with you. Marriage counseling and couples therapy with me is not going to be everyone’s cup of tea.

“But Becky, don’t you want to help??”

Yes! I really want to help. 

And that’s why I’ve learned that there are certain things couples should be aware of if they want to be as successful as possible in therapy…

1. Vulnerability is the key. We’ve talked about this one already, but it’s the most important factor in any kind of therapy. Facing our own patterns and behaviors can be so uncomfortable. But if you’re willing to dig deep and think differently about yourself and your relationship, then you’ll be miles ahead from the start!

2. It’s okay if you don’t know what you want. Some couples need help sorting through the stickiest parts of their relationship before they can feel comfortable defining the outcome they want. As long as you’re showing up with that willingness to get vulnerable, I can help you figure it all out.

3. Our work will be goal-oriented. Marriage counseling or couples therapy is a place to hash it all out—but we want to do it in a way that serves the overall goal. We don’t need to recount in detail every argument you’ve had! We just need to uncover your patterns and figure out how to interrupt them for the better.

Relationships are hard work.

Movies, books, or tv shows that seem to tell us differently are just lyin’.

But not all hard work is bad work—in some ways, it can even be fun!

And the payoff will be even better.